Planit is a mobile popup that provides resources, support, and education to parents and families in different communities and is specifically designed to reach remote areas with little to no access to childcare resources.
My Roles
Design Research | Brand Development | Web UX/UI | Signage | Popup Truck
Team Roles
Lily Shuffler—Design Research | Brand Development | Kiosk UX/UI
Alberto Berlanga—Design Research | Brand Development

Planit aims to provide resources to fill the need of parenthood and childcare resource deserts in rural west Texas by traveling to small towns to hold classes and workshops for low-income, single parents.
Planit aims to provide resources to fill the need of parenthood and childcare resource deserts in rural west Texas by traveling to small towns to hold classes and workshops for low-income, single parents.
Unique Selling proposition
Planit is the only parenthood and childcare resource center that travels to rural, hill country towns in west Texas to provide parenthood resources and workshops for low-income and/or single parents.
Planit is the only parenthood and childcare resource center that travels to rural, hill country towns in west Texas to provide parenthood resources and workshops for low-income and/or single parents.

Understanding the Problem

Access to Health Centers
More than half of Texas counties have no OB-GYN. More than one-fifth of Texas’ 254 counties have only one doctor or none at all.
Single Parents
35% of children in the state of Texas only have one parental figure.
Teen Pregnancy
In west Texas, Crockett County’s teen birth rate is double that of the state’s: 82 births per 1,000 females ages 15-19, compared to 41 in the state of Texas.
Competitive Analysis

User Personas

Charlie is a recently divorced, single dad living in Crockett County, Texas, with his 2 year-old daughter. He is now faced with the daunting task of raising his daughter on his own all while taking on more shifts at work to provide on a single family income. He wants to learn more about his daughter’s development and make sure she gets her monthly checkups, but he doesn’t always have enough time or money to keep appointments at the closest health center, 26 miles away from his home.
Motivations Personality
Charlie is a recently divorced, single dad living in Crockett County, Texas, with his 2 year-old daughter. He is now faced with the daunting task of raising his daughter on his own all while taking on more shifts at work to provide on a single family income. He wants to learn more about his daughter’s development and make sure she gets her monthly checkups, but he doesn’t always have enough time or money to keep appointments at the closest health center, 26 miles away from his home.
- To be more involved in his daughter’s physical and mental development
- To learn specifically what to expect in his daughter’s next few years
- To get his daughter to more appointments this year
- Driving 26 miles to his nearest health center
Waiting in long lines at the health center because it’s catering to a 30 mile radius of people
- Not knowing if his daughter is developing at a healthy rate
Motivations Personality

Sandra is a single, pregnant woman living in west Texas. She is living with a roommate but otherwise has no support system to help her through her pregnancy. Sandra is having to work long and late hours as a hotel front desk assistant in order to save enough money for her current pregnancy care and is not sure where to access help.
Motivations Personality
Sandra is a single, pregnant woman living in west Texas. She is living with a roommate but otherwise has no support system to help her through her pregnancy. Sandra is having to work long and late hours as a hotel front desk assistant in order to save enough money for her current pregnancy care and is not sure where to access help.
- Learn about resources to help her have a safe and healthy delivery
- Find financial programs that will help her raise her child
- Find support in close community
- Have her baby with a midwife so she doesn’t have to commute to receive quality care
- Researching parenting resources for hours and finding too many conflicting answers
- Having to work too often so she can afford childcare and medical payments
- Making appointments at the nearest hospital, 17 miles away
Motivations Personality

In order to further understand the problem, we sent out a survey to a few online public forums whose members were made up of parents or single parents. The question below displays the most interesting key takeaway.

IBM Scenario Map

Feature Prioritization
Must have:
- Professional-led classes
- Easily understandable website
- Simple sign up process
- Access to past class resources from the personal account
- Class schedules that appeal to a wide range of schedules
Could have:
- Notification systems for reminders about class times
- Care center for parents to bring their kids while they attend classes
Should have:
- Access to community
- Multiple ways to sign up for classes (website, mobile, walk-up kiosk)
- Language Selection
- Classes based on stage of parenthood
Won’t have:
- Age restrictions
- Only online resources

Brand System

Web Wireframs
How might we...
- prominently explain how the popup works
allow for users to track Planit and when it will be in their area
- divide classes into stages of parenting in order for users to narrow down their specific needs
- design the unique scheduling process to display a lot of different classes and times without being overwhelming
- allow the user to confirm their schedule and view their final registration
- add a feature to easily view and change this schedule in the future

Kiosk Wireframes

How might we...
- streamline the process of checking in
- create an option to check in and register from the kiosk
- implement flexibility into the design
- establish consistent hierarchy

How might we...
- implement flexibility into the design
- create ease of use in scheduling and picking classes
- explain ourselves through walk-up registration

The Popup

What I learned
As was specified in the original project brief, Planit needed to cater to resource deserts in Texas. Parenthood is a difficult challenge on its own, but in towns where access to helpful resources is limited, the needs of parents are even more diverse. This meant that we had to be flexible when designing the solution. Discovering the opportunity to partner with Modern Pediatrics helped to streamline the design and to allow other organizations to participate in the popup.
With more time and resources, Planit could have a travelling fleet that travels directly to people’s homes or neighborhoods to offer workshops and development checkups. Planit could also be expanded to offer at-home, pediatric health visits. There is a big opportunity to brand a campaign for Planit in order to spread the word about access to parenthood resources, but also advocate for those experiencing the gap of healthcare resources in rural areas.
With more time and resources, Planit could have a travelling fleet that travels directly to people’s homes or neighborhoods to offer workshops and development checkups. Planit could also be expanded to offer at-home, pediatric health visits. There is a big opportunity to brand a campaign for Planit in order to spread the word about access to parenthood resources, but also advocate for those experiencing the gap of healthcare resources in rural areas.